I think the mycosis was caused by disturbing the bacteria in my mouth by using Undiluted himalayan salt sole as a mouthwash...
Mycosis is a fungal infection. Do you have oral thrush? White tongue?
Many people have used many things as mouthwash for the very purpose of "disturbing" the bacteria in their mouths. A salt wash should have nothing to do with your condition. No more than would a hydrogen peroxide wash or Listerine.
- Jim
�Men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing ever happened.� Sir Winston Churchill
im not sure about oral thrush,im not sure what it is?
i do have white tongue,but mostly on the back of the tongue and also there is a few raised spots on the tongue like spots,smaller and bigger,but just a few...but they are skin colour and i figure they will go away after the mycosis is healed...
the thing about disturbing the bacteria in the mouth i found out that there is good bacteria and bad bacteria,so i figured when i mouthwashed with undiluted himalayan salt sole (strong stuff) i killed everything,good and bed,and so the germ bacteria whatever that causes mycosis found the time and the right atmosphere to strike,and it did...
but who knows,could be the herpes,or the hpv,i really dont know anymore...im just guessing,as the doctors are not really helpfulll on,anything
the thing about disturbing the bacteria in the mouth i found out that there is good bacteria and bad bacteria,so i figured when i mouthwashed with undiluted himalayan salt sole (strong stuff) i killed everything,good and bed,and so the germ bacteria whatever that causes mycosis found the time and the right atmosphere to strike,and it did...
I might be wrong, but I thought that the good bacteria was just involved in the digestive system. I don't think that any bacteria in the mouth is good. Here's a site that may interest you...
You are right about both good and bad bacteria in the mouth. The same thing happens in the sinuses and other parts of the body. The hope is that there are more good bacteria to keep the bad ones in check.
The commercial mouthwashes kill both good and bad bacteria. Millions of people use these mouthwashes. The same thing happens when you eat a lemon or grapefruit or other antibacterial food. I'm saying that your sodium mouthwash is no different and should not make the bad bacteria proliferate and wipe out the good bacteria which will keep it all in balance.
It sounds to me that you may be dealing with candida albicans (thrush) which is somewhat common. Well just somewhat common. However, that is not what your doctors seem to think.
Is this expensive pill an antifungal or antibacterial?
Thanks for clearing that up for me Jfh. I've been concentrating on removing all bacteria, using hydrogen peroxide, coconut oil, grapefruit seed extract, etc.
i dont know about the pill jfh,it was a packet that contained 1 pill and costed 10 euros,i tried looking in the garbage but unfortunately that bag was already thrown away...
the mouthwash i am using now is from a natural shop,it says: essential aromatic oils from organicaly grown medicinal plants and herbs,honey,grapes and sea extracts.
it is called Myrtus Bioral (if it means anything)
the himalayan sole i used only for 2 days as a mouthwash,and then boom white tongue and all...
as far as my doctor goes,i dont want to resort to name calling here,but he basically looked at the tongue under a microscope for no more than 15 seconds,wrote me a perscription of a pill and a gel to put twice a day,and i was on my way,nothing more nothing less...oh and he said,mycosis,thats all...
As it turns out, I think I do indeed have a Candida Infection on my tongue, almost certainly my intestines, and also I think this could be the culprit behind the hives!! (I DONT KNOW ABOUT MY INTESTINES,BUT THE HIVES ARE THERE,AND IT ALL ADDS UP,KINDA)
and i have been getting Hives since one month now,randomly mostly at night,they come,they itch,they go away,i told my derm about it and he said show me,it was during the day so i didnt have any,and then he said ok since you dont have them on you now its not hives,dont worry about it grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Guys please tell me something positive,gimme some advice...i cant take it anymore
tongue mycosis or thrust
from an accident i had when i was 18:
broken left foot big toe,wasnt noticed by the all knowing doctors and now it grew wrong,cant bend it,hurts on a Daily Basis ((
numb knee (24/7)
broken nose(had one 50% succesful surgery),ill have to do another one
busted lips,had a surgery to remove unstable scar(the surgery caused a new,stable scar) probably i have another surgery in 2 months about this
left hand index finger,broken or something,cant bend the last joint
a lump thing in my jaw(small)
a lump thing in my neck(small)
a lump thing in my left arm(small)
its so depressing,and they just keep coming and coming.....
I strongly suggest that you read this site. www.jimhumble.biz
learn to eat better, supplement with Lugol's iodine and vitamin D3.
An MMS cleanse may do wonders for you.
You have a candida mouth infection. the meds the doc gave you will likely clear it up in the coming week or so. There is nothing to say that you have a candida over growth in your intestines also. If it is not gone in the alloted time return the doctor for another pill. I suspect that he ordered diflucan for you. Ask him for a generic next time, fluconazole, is is way less expensive.
You should be on a very good probiotics. I like VSL#3 This will be helpful to restore a normal balance.
"Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth." Marcus Aurelius
The great majority (83%) of oral candidiasis patients are moderate to heavy cigarette smokers. Candida, a normal component of approximately 50% of the mouths of healthy, normal individuals (without dentures), can be variably affected by smoking, becoming either more or less intense in different individuals. Heavy smokers who also abuse alcohol are more likely to lack oral Candida than any other group. Median rhomboid glossitis, a candida-induced tongue change, is most frequently (85%) seen in smokers and is markedly improved upon smoking cessation.
The best way to stop smoking (I did) is to do it consistently. Smoke one less cigarette every 2 or 3 days. So you smoke 10 per day? Smoke 9 tomorrow. Wait 2 days then smoke 1 less. Keep going. Withdrawal will be minimized this way. There will be withdrawal symptoms for sure. When done, wash all your clothes.
Because oral thrush as frequently been described as a white tongue here on this forum I found some photos. It is not just a white tongue and has a very specific look to it. Typically it is described as white patches on the tongue or roof of the mouth. They often have a circumfrence of dark red inflammed tissue and are typically painful. Notice those lovely mercury fillings!
Funny, jfh, In all my years of dealing with this disease in nuring work, I have never seen a case caused by cigarette smoking. All cases have been associated with some kind of drug use, either antibiotics, chemo, or steroids. The only other cases have seen have been in nursing newborns. I am unsure of the cause in these cases as they were not associated with any drug use but I suspect the microbe is picked up from the mom as the babies immune system is not developed enough to resist it and many new moms are run down so their their defences arn't up to holding it in check either.
Oral thrush is a kind of yeast infection that may appear in an individual�s mouth that is caused by uncontrollable growth of an organism known as Candida albicans. This is the kind of a organism that generally rests under your skin, in your gut, or in your mouth and does not bother anyone at all. On the other hand, if this bacterium starts multiplying, it grows uncontrollably leading to inflammation and causing extreme pain. When it occurs, it is known as candidiasis, a yeast infection, or moniliasis. Causes of Oral Thrush � You may be thinking that you should take measures and then you will not be able to catch this oral thrush; however, this is not how it is. The yeast is already there and there are numerous factors that can initiate its growth and it go uncontrollable. One of the leading and primary reasons or oral thrush is gorge of antibiotics. There are different bacteria with which the yeast is compatible. These bacteria also live under the skin among various other places but they are harmless and are extremely helpful in fighting off the yeast infection. While an individual is in-taking antibiotics to deal with such diseases that are causing bacteria, the medication also kills the harmless bacteria. Yeast is the one which is not affected by these antibiotics, goes out of control as there are no bacteria to fight and it starts to multiply and grow greatly. Cancer medications and steroids also enable yeast to flourish. The medication taken by chronic lung patients or asthmatics also lead to this infection. Treating the Oral Thrush � Candidiasis is not generally a critical condition with the exception is that it enters into your blood and then multiplies into your organs particularly for people who have weakened immune systems. For this reason, a suspension of an antifungal prescription can be injected into the mouth and further swallowed or sometimes the physicians try a different way out. For such cases that reoccur along with crucial ones, antifungal medication is advised which can prolong for a longer period of time. On the other hand, if oral thrush is caused because of inhaled corticosteroids usage, suffer can rinse the mouth after making use of the inhaler as this will be helpful in preventing this infection.
You are right about both good and bad bacteria in the mouth. The same thing happens in the sinuses and other parts of the body. The hope is that there are more good bacteria to keep the bad ones in check.
The commercial mouthwashes kill both good and bad bacteria. Millions of people use these mouthwashes. The same thing happens when you eat a lemon or grapefruit or other antibacterial food. I'm saying that your sodium mouthwash is no different and should not make the bad bacteria proliferate and wipe out the good bacteria which will keep it all in balance.
I never thought about the good oral bacteria until you and truestorytotell mentioned it. Just got the new Swanson Vitamin catalog, and they have an oral probiotic formula with S. salivarius, L. parcasei, L. salivarius, L. reuteri, L. plantarum and L. rhamnosus.