Stomach Problems, bloating after eating. Any Advice?
Hello, I am a 22 year old male,
About a month ago, me and my family caught a bad stomach bug (sickness and Diarrhea) about a week later everyone was better, but for some reason i did not feel right, my stomach was bloating all the time, and after eating, i felt even more bloated, i went to the Doctors and they said constipation, so i tried some laxitive, i started to go the the toilet normally, but i was still getting a bloating feeling and my stomach would inflate a bit, i went back and the doctor gave me lansoprazole, they worked a tiny bit, but then stopped, i was still getting a weird feeling after eating. Then last week, i has some chips, and my stomach got thousands times worse, i was having bad pains and felt the need to throw up, and diarrhea started, i went to my doctor again to tell him the tablets have done nothing, but he said stick to them and he gave me more. I decided to go to the Hospital, as i wanted answers, the doctor i saw there said it is an "after effect" of the original stomach flu me and my family had, and my stomach needed to heal, he told me to stick to the tablets for 6 weeks.
Could that really be the problem? or is it something more?