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Old 04-24-2013, 01:26 PM
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Default tingling, numbness, and anxiety

Hi, I've never posted here before, but I was wondering if anyone could enlighten me on an issue I've been having.

I went to the emergency room about 5 days ago and was told the tingling and numbness in my face, hands, and feet was paresthesia from anxiety. I started having it after a day where I consumed (throughout the day) like 90 grams of whey protein powder. (I was trying to compensate for my vegetarianism and gain muscle.) I woke up in the middle of the night and had difficulty breathing, chest pains, the numbness, and anxiety. The next day, I nixed the protein and took some extra magnesium. That night, I had the same response to the magnesium maybe, so I nixed the magnesium. After reading up on paresthesia, I decided to take some GABA to calm my nerves, and last night, I had a reaction to the GABA too.

My numbness hasn't gone away, and now I'm afraid to run or walk outside because I lose feeling in my toes and I don't want to do damage to myself. I've been feeling really, really anxious and my nervous system is out of control.

I don't know if I have some sort of glutamine sensitivity (I noticed that was in my protein powder), or if my unhealthy eating has caught up to me, or if I just have a weird nervous system problem. I went through a really, really bad past two years where I gained 40 pounds and ruined my running. (I used to run for an hour every day).

Does anyone have an idea of paths I can research, ways to calm my nervous system, or any input at all? Thanks for reading.
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Old 04-24-2013, 01:36 PM
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oh! I forgot to mention. Perhaps also related to my anxiety is this chronic back pain I've had for the past 3 years. It started in the points between my shoulders and upper back. Now, it's spread up to my neck, and my neck gets very stiff. I'm sort of paranoid that this chronic dull pain and sensitivity has something to do with my new nerve problem because it only recently spread to the base of my skull... I dunno. I'm 28, and I used to be a healthy runner... I just want to be healthy again.
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Old 04-24-2013, 03:06 PM
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Originally Posted by angeljazz711 View Post
(I was trying to compensate for my vegetarianism and gain muscle.)

The only vegans who aren't low on B-12 are the ones who supplement.
I'd rather meander for the prevention than race for the cure.
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Old 04-24-2013, 03:15 PM
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I just took a B complex vitamin... still feel a little odd. How long do you think it would take to correct a deficiency if that's what's causing my problems? Like 2 weeks?
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Old 04-24-2013, 05:21 PM
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You should check that the whey protein doesnt have aspartame as a sweetener, this can cause numbess, tingling and anxiety. Some makes of whey protein also have creatine monohydrate as a filler which can cause an allergic reaction to some people.

If you are also on low carbs then the liver can be short of glycogen and force the body into a high ketosis state which the body has trouble coping with after a high whey protein intake. Symptoms can include numbness,tingling,insomnia, palpitations and anxiety states. Go back to eating a normal diet including carbs, if symptoms still persist go and see a doctor.

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Old 04-24-2013, 05:45 PM
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Originally Posted by angeljazz711 View Post
I just took a B complex vitamin... still feel a little odd. How long do you think it would take to correct a deficiency if that's what's causing my problems? Like 2 weeks?

Take 1mg Source Naturals methylcobalamin several times a day. It's the only lingual B-12 I know of that is natural.

Most B complex has cyanocobalamin in it. Cyanocobalamin is a synthetic B-12 that has cyanide in it, just like the name sounds.
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Old 04-25-2013, 01:44 AM
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Originally Posted by Solstice Goat View Post
The only vegans who aren't low on B-12 are the ones who supplement.
He said he's a vegetarian, not a vegan.

In any case, a recent general population study by Tufts found that 40% had low levels of B-12.
This included 16% with near deficiency and 9% with outright deficiency.
The number of vegans in the general population is 1%.

In any case, no-one is more clued up on B-12 than a vegan.

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Old 04-25-2013, 07:50 AM
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Originally Posted by knightofalbion View Post
He said he's a vegetarian, not a vegan.

In any case, a recent general population study by Tufts found that 40% had low levels of B-12.
This included 16% with near deficiency and 9% with outright deficiency.
The number of vegans in the general population is 1%.

In any case, no-one is more clued up on B-12 than a vegan.

Thanks for the stats, I used to eat vegan.
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Old 04-25-2013, 02:04 AM
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Angeljazz: Whey is something a lot of people can have allergic reactions to. Skin reaction is one of them...Though I would have expected to see other reactions as well i.e. diarrhea and stomach cramping.
Symptoms of whey allergy

It would be a good idea to stop consuming it....At least until you establish you are allergic to it or not.

I note you mention back pain. See these links

The only other possibility that can bring on a 'crazy horse' skin and nerves reaction is too much vitamin B. I'm talking mega B, or an imbalance of high dose selected B vitamins.
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Old 04-25-2013, 01:45 PM
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Originally Posted by knightofalbion View Post
I agree, I would research those links above, pinched nerves most definitely cause paresthesia...

Feel better!
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