Originally Posted by tuina
How good is your everyday diet? General principle according to the system I work in is simple and not highly flavoured, using fresh, natural ingredients. Mainstay of the diet is wholegrains and vegetables, mostly cooked, then some pulses (beans / lentils), a few nuts, and a small amount of animal products (not dairy) if that's your thing (it's not mine). With your symptoms you should be avoiding anything irritating like hot spicy or greasy fried food. Also refined flour and sugar products should be absolutely minimised.
If your everyday diet is not sorted out, then you are likely to have digestive problems.
Avoid overeating and avoid overfilling your stomach with liquid while eating. Sit down and relax at proper mealtimes and don't eat too late at night.
This means buying basic ingredients and preparing them yourself. Cheap, healthy and joyful!
You could also try gently massaging the point about 1 inch above your navel.
Another possible factor is stress. Are you feeling stressed?
Stressed...in this economy...
It's hard not to be, and I agree it probably has something to do with my situation along with bad eating habits, antibiotics and the like.
I am trying to eat more healthy foods, cut out some of the bad and add probiotics and enzymes to my diet and hopefully help my stomach some, I just really have no idea how much enzymes are needed and I don't want to over do it, or for that matter under do it.
I appreciate all the help and suggestions!