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Informative Health Forum = Natural Medicine Talk

Posted 09-27-2011 at 02:27 PM by kind2creatures (NatMedTalk and Beyond)

Natural Medicine Talk is the most informative health forum that I've come across on the web. Since I joined this forum, I've been amazed with all the information presented here. Knowledge on the forum is abundant, and it's the best place for researching all things health related.

One aspect that separates NatMedTalk from the rest of the forums or groups out there is that, if there is information given that you don't quite understand, the members are more than happy to explain things...
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Health Forums - Big Spam Targets!

Posted 09-24-2011 at 05:20 PM by kind2creatures (NatMedTalk and Beyond)

Health forums, such as Natural Medicine Talk, are very inviting targets for spammers. Some people are paid just to get links 'out there', whether they're for products, services or website promotions. Many are from other countries outside of the United States.

Spamming can be done directly, or in a more sneaky way, indirectly. They post "leading" messages which forum members reply to, and once they're comfortable on the forum and 'trusted' by the other members posting on the...
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