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Old 10-04-2012, 12:54 PM
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Default RFID chipping in the Healthcare Bill

Now people are analysing the bill its clear why Nancy Pelosi didnt want anybody to read it before it was passed into law.


This new law requires an RFID chip implanted in all of us. This chip will not only contain your personal information with tracking capability but it will also be linked to your bank account. And get this, Page 1004 of the new law (dictating the timing of this chip), reads, and I quote: "Not later than 36 months after the date of the enactment". It is now the law of the land that by March 23rd 2013 we will all be required to have an RFID chip underneath our skin and this chip will be link to our bank accounts as well as have our personal records and tracking capability built into it.
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Old 10-04-2012, 02:23 PM
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These chips are a huge bunch of BS as far as I'm concerned.
I'm a human being, not a damn dog or cat that can get lost or stolen.
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Old 10-04-2012, 02:39 PM
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As each of these laws are enacted, especially ones that invade our privacy, Congress will act to bar it. Unless the special interest groups get to them. Else powerful people will see that it gets to the Supreme Court.
- Jim

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Old 10-09-2012, 09:08 AM
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Originally Posted by jfh View Post
As each of these laws are enacted, especially ones that invade our privacy, Congress will act to bar it. Unless the special interest groups get to them. Else powerful people will see that it gets to the Supreme Court.
The Supreme Court has never once limited the power of government, which is why we have this Marxist bill now.
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Old 10-09-2012, 11:50 AM
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Originally Posted by liverock View Post
Now people are analysing the bill its clear why Nancy Pelosi didnt want anybody to read it before it was passed into law.

you cannot blame that on Nancy. Any Congressman who votes in favor of passing a law without even reading it should be

- removed from Congress (at best)

- on trial for treason (at worst)
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Old 10-09-2012, 12:00 PM
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Originally Posted by limitme View Post
you cannot blame that on Nancy. Any Congressman who votes in favor of passing a law without even reading it should be

- removed from Congress (at best)

- on trial for treason (at worst)
I think Nancy fits that description, no?

Microchips will be so much faster than wrist tattoos. Just think of the savings to the American taxpayer!
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� #7
Old 10-15-2012, 03:25 PM
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Exclamation RFID Chip?

The RFID Chips are not mandated at this time. If HR 3200 had passed then the chips would have been required by March 2013 but that particular bill did NOT pass. A simliar bill (ObamaCare) was passed and it does not mandate the RFID chips. However, Obama can have it added back in the bill as an amendment once the US Supreme Court says the bill (law) in its entirety is legal and binding. He can use an Executive Order or have the Senate/Congress add it.

Please check out: https://www.snopes.com/politics/medical/microchip.asp

Personally, I hope it never gets mandated in my life time. I know it will eventually happen though because the Holy Bible says it will.
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Old 10-16-2012, 09:16 AM
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While this has nothing to do with health care it is part of the plan. Should you decide to sell your home there will be a 3.8% tax that you will have to pay. (on $100.000 that�s $3800) Although maybe that is how they plan to help pay for this �affordable healthcare�.

I went to a healthcare conference at local collage last Monday. Got to see Dr. Mercola, and a Dr. Bellar, who has apparently has actually read the entire obamacare plan, plus a couple local politicians. They talked about some of the great joys we�re about to experience under this plan.

As has been stated everyone will be guaranteed coverage, of course you will be forced to pay for it whether you want it or not. But while you will have insurance coverage there is no guarantee that you will be able to get the medicinal treatment you want or need.

I guess that is that one of the details we were told not to worry about?
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Old 10-16-2012, 10:48 AM
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Originally Posted by Mad Scientest View Post

But while you will have insurance coverage there is no guarantee that you will be able to get the medicinal treatment you want or need.

I guess that is that one of the details we were told not to worry about?
Nothing new there. Same as Medicare. You are not guaranteed the best treatment.
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Old 10-16-2012, 11:34 AM
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But what is new is more dam tax! to pay for crap I dont want.

they didn't mention chips though, Mad Scientist? If it was there Mercola would have been all over it.
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� #11
Old 10-16-2012, 06:16 PM
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I fail to see (and I read the bill) how this is really supposed to benefit anyone? I mean easier identification or whatever.. But really... I don't know...

I think it's more for control.. And to track you down after.. You ever saw the movie REPO MEN? They basically went after someone for payment of an organ they had transplanted and they used chips.. If you didn't pay for that new heart, liver etc, or missed a payment, they would rip it out of you and give it to someone else... A REALLY scary movie that might actually come to pass given the way things are going now...
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Old 10-16-2012, 08:52 PM
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Originally Posted by Eliz View Post
Personally, I hope it never gets mandated in my life time. I know it will eventually happen though because the Holy Bible says it will.
Hello Eliz, and welcome to the forum! I'm with you, I hope nothing so personally invasive gets put through if my lifetime, and preferably never. I don't even get my pets microchipped.
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� #13
Old 10-17-2012, 05:46 AM
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HR 3200 was a strawman. What about HR 3962 ?

Submitted by Lysiandad on Fri, 10/05/2012 - 21:56. Permalink
HR 3200 was a strawman. What about HR 3962 ?
Btw: careful, there are two distinct bills with unrelated content sharing the same 3962 number, strangely enough. I question only one of the two, see below.
HR 3200 was their first attempt. Snopes.com STILL mentions it as a fallacious excuse for "conspiracy theorists".
Folks, we focus a lot on either HR 3200 (obsolete, never passed) or HR 3590 (passed).
As it turns out I can read English and I did read ... HR 3962, which has passed the House :
(What does "engrossed bill" mean, btw ? I'm not familiar with that part of the legalese. I'm not even a citizen yet, still learning about your texts and processes.)
And it's in this HR 3962 that the "class II devices" phrasing replaces the former of HR 3200 which was more explicit about RFID devices.
Read again, it's in plain English, after all :
"... may include, as the Secretary determines appropriate and specifies in regulation, a class II device that is life-supporting or life-sustaining."
As a software engineer, bear with me, I am extremely attentive to punctuation.
Two important commas above, and what's in between, in there.
How do you think the Secretary in charge will proceed to "determine appropriate" the above criteria ?
I don't know for sure if this has force of law but IT DOES rely on one specific individual's interpretation. In THEIR office.
What does this tell you :
1. WHY didn't they write, as another, oh so naive! alternative :
"as the doctor and/or patient determines appropriate"
(I'd have been PERFECTLY fine with that, assuming I also keep my freedom to choose my doctor, too)
But ... Er.. Sorry, no. Instead, it's gonna be the Secretary.
2. WHO defines the nomenclature of devices classes ? Well... the FDA. Is the FDA independent from the government ? I'm not sure.
(cf. FDA nomenclature on class II devices anyway)
PLEASE someone PROVE to me this version above of HR 3962 IS INDEED obsolete and without effect.
It is all I want ... To be really reassured.

(The above was found here: https://www.dailypaul.com/223261/obam...arch-23rd-2013)
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Old 10-17-2012, 05:55 AM
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Hmmm....this is frightening - https://www.kuleuven.ac.be/fortand/MF...06_RFID_01.pdf

Embedding a chip in a molar - to make it easier to identify in the event of a bombing, tsunami...what are they planning?

Seems that it is very important for the government to know where each and every one of its citizens are--or will be in the future? Some people are going as far as to get rid of their citizenship: https://www.nationalrepublicregistry.....15.000001.pdf

Some very interesting reads in Popular Science concerning chips: https://www.popsci.com/taxonomy/term/25212/all

IBM's Digital Billboard Displays Individualized Ads By Reading the RFID Data in Your Wallet

By Clay Dillow Posted 08.02.2010 at 11:43 am 9 Comments

Japanese company NEC wowed technophiles and horrified privacy advocates earlier this year with electronic billboards that use facial recognition technology to identify the age and gender of passers-by, tailoring the ads they display to fit the demographic. Now IBM researchers in the UK are taking that notion even further, taking advantage of new technologies to delve deeper into the personal data of people on the street, tailoring advertisements that can even call the subject by name.

(I wonder if chips can alter the person. Can the person with the implant, somehow be programmed to go crazy and do crazy outlandish acts on demand?) Is it in the works now? https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases...0706150626.htm Worms today - your neighbor tomorrow? Why all this technology for CONTROL? Does it somehow tie in with the proliferation of "cell" towers on just about every street corner? Yet your phone STILL DROPS A LOCAL CALL? Hmmm.....


May it ISN'T alzheimer's, ADD, etc., that some are troubled with. Testing of implants?
Scientists Use Precise Flashes of Light to Implant False Memories in Fly Brains https://www.popsci.com/science/articl...s-brains-flies

Now WHY would anyone need to implant false memories?
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Old 10-17-2012, 06:25 AM
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Originally Posted by happy2bhere View Post
Hmmm....this is frightening - https://www.kuleuven.ac.be/fortand/MF...06_RFID_01.pdf

Embedding a chip in a molar - to make it easier to identify in the event of a bombing, tsunami...what are they planning?

Seems that it is very important for the government to know where each and every one of its citizens are--or will be in the future? Some people are going as far as to get rid of their citizenship: https://www.nationalrepublicregistry.....15.000001.pdf

Some very interesting reads in Popular Science concerning chips: https://www.popsci.com/taxonomy/term/25212/all

IBM's Digital Billboard Displays Individualized Ads By Reading the RFID Data in Your Wallet

By Clay Dillow Posted 08.02.2010 at 11:43 am 9 Comments

Japanese company NEC wowed technophiles and horrified privacy advocates earlier this year with electronic billboards that use facial recognition technology to identify the age and gender of passers-by, tailoring the ads they display to fit the demographic. Now IBM researchers in the UK are taking that notion even further, taking advantage of new technologies to delve deeper into the personal data of people on the street, tailoring advertisements that can even call the subject by name.
You've never seen the movie "12 Monkeys" have you? They used the chip in the molar to track and to communicate.

Scary when you think that soon we'll all be able to have an app on our phone that allows us to see everyone else and where they are, what they are doing and their current actions..

Privacy my friends, is at an end.. Any privacy we currently have is kind of an illusion already, think about how much of your private information really isn't private anymore? This is just bringing it into the lime light so to speak.
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