i again agree with moxsum, the admin is only about one theory. it maybe a good one for some. i have found relief as well as i will beat this with kegels and flexing the lower body but thats not a cure or a reason why this happened in the 1st place. it does bring blood and oxygen to that area though which is great.
i am working on cleansing still with mms and diet. i feel better than i have in 4 months. still low libido but getting better. my cleansing is candida diet or raw sweetless and starchless veggies and fish, eggs, org chic. i had 2 colonics and thought the world of them. i was told i was a toxic mess and that explains the pain i was having in my intestines and lower colon area. i again did 8 weeks of cipro and 4 weeks of bactrim! wham ya gross. i am taking probiotics like candy now. your colon guys is in contact with the prostate up to 3/4 or 2/3 so inflammation there or infestation of the usual suspects can transfer over. my colon has recommended me to do an immediate liver cleanse and she the lovely woman has agreed to take me on as a hollistic patient.
i thing for sure guys i believe in mms and know it has changed me. i feel better and more awake i was drowning in head fog and fatigue. my lungs and heart are more awake my energy is up. i went through some real bad D though. well worth it. i posted thesite and the lady that i got it from before but again here it is. 403-652-3647.
www.sodiumchloritepowder.com 30$ for the mix awesome! 50 for 1lbs unmixed! lots of help and care from christa in calgary canada. she ships anywhere.
find the best colonic person you can find it is again worth the money. someone that knows what the are doing and has lots of experience. it is a science and they should know what to look for.